Mobile Usability Testing – 5 tools (and tips) available to anyone

In any industry or business sector, efficiency is a key factor in keeping prices down, while retaining a high standard of quality. The usability and user experience space is no exception, with some agencies using inefficient methodologies, which, in turn, keep the price of services artificially high.

As an organisation, it is possible to cut your own costs by conducting certain elements of usability and user experience testing, in-house. Here are 5 tools available to everybody that can help your mobile products provide a better user experience.

1. Solidify

Solidify is a fast and easy method of prototyping UIs for testing. It allows you to upload and hotlink a series of mock-ups, which are then put through their paces by real users. Test reports provide feedback, allowing you to identify issues and areas where user experience problems may arise.


One thought on “Mobile Usability Testing – 5 tools (and tips) available to anyone

  1. This doesn’t affect me, though I did read the article. Lots of good tips and factual information for everyone using a hand-held device. Well done Simone! Excellent reference! Cheers!

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