30 essential UX tools

Ludmila Pasol  •  Aug 21, 2013

When developers build websites, they often focus on the layout and technical features but neglect one very important aspect — how the user experiences the site. If users have a hard time figuring out how to accomplish their goals, they will look elsewhere and not come back. A pleasant user experience, on the other hand, can create a favorable and lasting impression that differentiates a site from its competition. [article]

PCs VS post-PC devices, the schism is here

Alessio Malizia

PCs and Post-PCs devices are very different and I like the clear discussion made in this article, by Matt Baxter-Reynolds, about how trying to combine these things together will lead to UX failures like Windows 8 or RT [ARTICLE]


Via <devblog>.ailon.org

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Lean UX: Getting Out Of The Deliverables Business

by Jeff Gothelf

User experience design for the Web (and its siblings, interaction design, UI design, et al) has traditionally been a deliverables-based practice. Wireframes, site maps, flow diagrams, content inventories, taxonomies, mockups and the ever-sacred specifications document (aka “The Spec”) helped define the practice in its infancy. These deliverables crystallized the value that the UX discipline brought to an organization [Article]